Monday, May 6, 2013

Wounded Veteran and Rescue Opperation

Sketch Wounded Veteran: May 2013: (c) Luke Bennette

Sketch Rescue Operation: May 2013: (c) Luke Bennette

The first image is a raw picture of a man who has received some injuries to the right side of his face, his left chest and his right bicep. The medal around his chest is hardly informative and it could very well be cheap. The flag waving in the background makes it appear as if the sketch were propaganda. Yet the picture tot he right suggests something entirely different. Certain men and women are stranded and in need of assistance; on waves towards three figures in the distance who have jumped out of helicopter. The Sketch suggests that the women are in slight panic, and we are left again with the suggestive hint of propaganda.

Colored Wounded Veteran: May 2013: (c) Luke Bennette

Colored Rescue Operation: May 2013: (c) Luke Bennette
 The color adds some interesting dynamics to the wounded veteran. We can see now slight discoloration along the bicep and along the left pectoral as well as the scars on his left cheek and ear. The grimace suggests that he is in slight pain. The flag above is not properly colored and is poorly laid out, a mistake on the part of the artist. The second picture is more  inviting. Brightly colored and many hued the picture seems to have multiple dimensions and seems to successfully pull of the look of distance between the refuges and the soldiers.

Digital Wounded Veteran: May 2013: (c) Luke Bennette

Digital Rescue Operation: May 2013: (c) Luke Bennette
The look is now retrofitted on the top to appear as if it were an old TV broadcast of the flag colored over with a vintage glare, while the man has the look of fire in his eyes and in his body. It is clearly an attempt to glorify the soldier, which is only right, which will hopefully carry over to whatever conflict he is in; reiterating the purpose of the picture, which is most likely propaganda. The second picture was given a pencil paint effect as well as a cold lighting effect in order to emphasis the early morning light that is beginning to make its appearance. The whole scene suggests that the refuges have been waiting there all night and that they have finally been found.

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