Friday, May 3, 2013

Virgin with Child

Sketch Virgin with Child: April 2013: (c) Luke Bennette

Colored Virgin with Child: April 2013: (c) Luke Bennette

Perhaps one of my all time favorites is the picture of the virgin with child as depicted in revelation. This version of the scene has an Aztec look about it. The twelve stars and the mantle of fire around the virgin as well as the virgin herself are dull in comparison to the bright splendor of the child in her womb; who incidentally has his hands in the shape of a cross. On either the left or the right are the angels in adoration, while beneath is the dragon; although the dragon in Revelation has seven heads (among other things) I took the liberty of giving it one on account of spacial limitations. The original coloring of this depicts a very colorful image all around, yet fails to give the focus due to the son of God within the womb; hence the changes.

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