Thursday, May 9, 2013

The Stain Glass Deacon and a Nun in a Pantry

Sketch Stain Glass Deacon: May 2013: (c) Luke Bennette

Sketch Nun in a Pantry: May 2013: (c) Luke Bennette
The Stain glass deacon doesn't really tell much of a story all by itself. The deacon's face was modeled off of a seminarian I know who is entering into the Diaconate this year, although the picture depicts him as somewhat older. The Cross and the stain glass are behind the Deacon, not merely surrounding him, however this is not as apparent in the sketch.

The Nun in the pantry was an oddball of a picture to work on. I had at first intended to model the face after a Ukrainian picture of the Blessed Mother of God, and then throughout the process it became apparent to me that this wasn't going to be what I had at first intended it to be. The Pantry is the poor house that I've worked at often.

Colored Stain Glass Deacon: May 2013: (c) Luke Bennette

Colored Nun in a Pantry: May 2013: (c) Luke Bennette
 The colors found in the Stain Glass Deacon were forcible reminders, for one person to whom I showed it, of anime colors and emphasis. I'm not sure what that means, so if anyone whose drawn or is familiar with Anime, please help me out. I am particularly fond of the way his dalmatic (robes) came out, however I can see that I need to begin looking at real images to get ideas from rather than simply basing them on the imagination.

The Nun in a pantry, when colored, reveals the coloration scheme of things. For the most part the room is in shadow, however there is a slight glint of light down at the bottom of the shelf as the sun creeps over the of the window and through the window blinds.

Digital Stain Glass Deacon: May 2013: (c) Luke Bennette

Digital Nun in a Pantry: May 2013: (c) Luke Bennette
The addition of pencil paint and vivid glow, among other things, help to reveal the Deacon as robbed in shadow and also in light. Behind the stain glass window the sun is only partly out due to an overcast day and the rest appears dark and shadowed.

The addition of pencil paint and vivid glow for the Nun have helped to show that there is no source of light for her but the sun itself. Her face is still in shadow. The emphasis gives a slight pink tint to the otherwise brown habit, and the glow effect reveals the stark contrasts of the pantry and the floor as well as the walls surrounding the window.

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