Saturday, May 18, 2013

Owl in the Hallway

Sketch Owl: May 2013: (c) Luke Bennette

Sketch In the Hallway: May 2013: (c) Luke Bennette
 The sketched version of Owl is very detailed. However there is one glaring mistake that I discovered later on. THe beak looks more like a turkey gobbler and prevents me from taking this picture at all seriously.

In the hallway is a confused picture. The person in question has a flashlight and is in a hallway with a couple of stain glass windows. The strange hair braid (is it a braid?) and the headband around her head makes for a puzzling fashion statement.

Colored Owl: May 2013: (c) Luke Bennette

Colored In the Hallway: May 2013: (c) Luke Bennette
 This is my first attempt at water color. As you can see the owl did not take as kindly to the water as I'd like. I discovered I would need water color paper. The colors in this picture are somewhat dull.

Similar to the Owl, In the Hallway has a dull effect. The character's backside is painted blue in order to create the illusion of a shadowy back and hand, while the right side is somewhat brighter than the rest. The stain glass windows are not something I'd suggest using water colors for, as it is hardly a precision instrument.

Digital Owl: May 2013: (c) Luke Bennette

Digital In the Hallway: May 2013: (c) Luke Bennette
The Owl in this digital version gives me the sense that he is hiding in the shadows as he waits for the sun to go down.

In the hallway now gives the appearance that the girl is wearing a hoodie instead of braids and a headband. The stain-glass windows now are engraved and the middle has been given a glow effect in order to create the illusion of two doors opening up into the hallway.

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