Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Future Glory

Sketch Future Glory: April 2013: (c) Luke Bennette
Colored Future Glory: April 2013: (c) Luke Bennette
Digital Future Glory: April 2013: (c) Luke Bennette                                                        
This photo is digitally enhanced so that while it was drawn by pen and colored by pencil it has the overlaying effect of pencil paint. The man and woman at the bottom of the picture are, for all intents and purposes, dating or engaged or on their way so to speak; they think little of what the future holds except of each other. The two individuals above are in fact the two bellow at a later stage in their lives. Somewhere in their lives they discerned a call to a vocation in religious ministry and sacrificed the intimacy of the married life for the intimacy shared between lovers of Christ. The object directly behind the arm of the Sister is the sacred heart of Jesus with a knife protruding from it; significant of the wounded state in which all find themselves when loving Christ in the here and the now awaiting the future glory of the Resurrection.

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